2º ESO



Personal pronouns

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZCcRzgrr8Y Sing along the pronouns song!

http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/personal-pronouns-exercises.html A great variety of exercises to practise personal pronouns.

Possessive Adjectives 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2lsRCFLHsA A possessive adjectives song.

http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=1737 An exercise to practise personal pronouns and possessive adjectives.

http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/possessive-exercises.html Different exercises on possessive adjectives,

To be/ have got

http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/to-be-exercises.html Practice on the present simple of "to be"

Saxon Genitive

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